June 26, 2024, 5:30 PM – 7:30 PM
MythoStudio: Events for Storymakers.
Don’t miss our kickoff event for our new storymaking group: MythoStudio! These events are dedicated to the art and craft of great storymaking, including writing, but so much more. Our events explore the creativity and crafting elements of great storymaking, and we will offer a variety of topical improvement workshops as well as seminars that draw on expert resources that include media resources and live authors and teachers.
Who should consider joining our group?
Anyone with a serious interest in great storymaking: whether you are a writer, poet, artist, performer, songwriter, or an aspirer of any of these things you’re welcome.
For our kick-off event for the new storymaking group, local author, Lenora Worth, will be talking about her writing career. She will read excerpts from her works and share her writing journey. She will also address some of the critical decisions each writer must make, such as whether to write commercial or more literary fiction, and how they differ.
Bio—Lenora Worth
Local Author
A member of the American Christian Fiction Writers Honor Roll, Lenora Worth writes romance and romantic suspense for Love Inspired and sweet romance for Tule Publishing. She also writes for Kensington Books. Three of her books have finaled in the ACFW Carol Awards, and she received the Romantic Times Pioneer Award for Inspirational Fiction. Lenora is a NY Times, USA Today, Publishers Weekly, and ECPA bestselling writer and a 2019 RWA RITA® Finalist. With one-hundred-plus books and novellas published and millions of books in print, she enjoys adventures with her retired husband and loves reading, baking, and shopping … especially shoe shopping.
Go to www.lenoraworth.com (http://www.lenoraworth.com/)to sign up for Lenora’s newsletter and find her book list and upcoming releases.
@lenoraworth on Twitter ~ lenoraworth on Instagram ~ Lenora Worth, Author on FB