July 10, 2024, 5:30 PM – 7:30 PM
Wine Wednesday: Mystery Thrillers
Join us for a casual discussion of books in the Mystery/Thriller Genre. Our focus will be on mysteries that are psychological, life event, or supernatural or similar in theme. (We are not focusing on procedural police/detective or military mysteries for this event, though we do not hold hard boundaries for our topics.)
Wine Wednesdays are free and are a great time to share about your favorite books and to find out about books and authors you have not yet read. This is a book discussion gathering with a social emphasis. Please RSVP or text us at 850-714-2202 to help us plan for group size.
As implied by the name, we have snacks and drinks (wine optional), and participants are encouraged to bring wine or other refreshments to contribute, though it is not a requirement. See you in the circle!